Boating Safety Course Sept 14th & 21st From (10:00 am - 3:00 pm)

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Who is required to take a boating safety course? Individuals born after January 1, 1974, must complete a boating safety course to operate a motor boat on Vermont's waters. Although online courses are an option, many prefer the benefits of in-person classes.
Our course comprises two four-hour sessions with a lunch break; lunch is not provided. Spearheaded by an instructor with an impressive tenure exceeding three decades in maritime navigation and safety, including notable service in the US Coast Guard across the Northwest Atlantic and 26 years as a VT State Game Warden, the course promises an enriching educational experience.
Enrollment is exclusive, capping at 15 students per class to ensure an intimate and engaging learning environment. Eligible participants are those aged 11 years and above, with the ability to grasp and interpret educational content at a minimum of a 5th-grade level. During testing, questions can be read aloud upon request. It's imperative that students under the age of 15 are accompanied by an adult, and those under 18 must present a parental consent form, duly signed, on the initial day of the course.

Finalization of your transaction, please apply the promotional code FreeSafety20 to access the complimentary course on boating safety, courtesy of Woodard Marine. This exclusive offer is designed to enhance your maritime skills and ensure a safer boating experience. We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity to advance your knowledge at no additional cost.
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